Sinful Heavens A Book By Manya Patel

Poetry is the expression of remembrance, pain, possibility and love. Sinful Heavens visits these themes in a raw and unfiltered manner, while at the same time questioning our beliefs and actions. I am Manya Patel, a 16 year old with chaotic thoughts. I have always had a soft corner for writing in my heart, which made its place when I wrote my first short story at the age of 9. I have always loved reading books and have found my escape from reality in them. However, initially, I was never interested in poems or proses. Call it coincidence or fate, I once randomly wrote a poem after being motivated by a friend when I was 12. I showed it to several people who then further encouraged me that I could do well in this area. That’s where my journey of poetry began. 

I never would’ve imagined back then that poetry would become my survival mechanism against the world, literally. A way to pour out the emotions bleeding through the corners of my heart on my bad days and a way to capture my best days like a portrait so I could go back to them and feel the moments again. 

This book has inculcated various feelings I have explored in the past one year. How seasons change but fall doesn’t last forever. There are days when everything feels like it’s falling apart but it isn’t. Being young is painful. Everything about it is fragile and vulnerable. The world is not a land of beautiful fairies. Being young is almost too much to feel at once, as if there’s a stone on the heart weighing it down. But the moon exists, just as the stars do. The moon, it reminds me that home isn’t a place but a feeling; that the universe has a way of making things happen; that hands were made to be held and that love is friendship, magic, chaos and everything in between.

Sinful Heavens talks about love, heartbreak and healing, three of the very complicated ideas of human life. But beyond all of this, it is about growing up and slowly making way into the adult world. It is about looking into the holes of the buried cave to find a way out. People are all so different and time is all it takes to understand them. Time. Time which never stops at the mercy of anyone. Eyes are sometimes enough to convey the deepest thoughts while other times words aren’t enough to express a fleeting thought. 

No matter how many years pass in our lives, we will always feel that there’s much more to discover and realize. This book is all about this and more.



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