Be Selective with your words.
Words have energy that can bring someone down,
Or lift someone up.
“I told you that you will not be able to do anything in life.”
“I told you that your decision will be proved wrong.”
“You don’t do any of your work well.”
We always hear such words from people’s mouths, and these words hurt us. Hearing these words, we feel low, and our self-confidence also starts to lose.
“I know you would definitely be successful.”
“You are the best in everything you do.”
“I know you will go a long way in your work.”
After hearing such words from someone, we feel very good. We feel that we can move ahead in life.
“Why is it that some words make us feel good and some words bad”?
This is because there is power in the words we say and write. Positive words have positive energy, and negative words have negative energy.
Positive and kind words have the power to help, to heal and to encourage someone. While negative words hurt and criticize others. Our words can bring someone down or lift someone up.
The biggest mistake we make in our life is that we think about what effect our spoken words will have on the life of others. But all we have noticed is that when we talk to anyone, that person stays in our hearts forever, and we don’t remember any person at all.
“What is it that is forcing us to remember that person?”
Those are his or her spoken words.
The power of words can destroy or create,
We Should use it very Consciously.
We always remember someone’s words. If someone tells a child that he will never be able to do anything in life. So maybe those who said these words don’t remember it, but those words will always remain in that child’s mind. Those words leave a mark on the heart of the child.
“Do You remember the words that encouraged you when you were a child and changed your life”?
“Do you remember the words that hurt you”?
“Yes, we always remember the good words and bad words”.
We all have noticed that whenever we are sad, and we repeat the loving and kind words said by someone in our mind, we start feeling great. The energy of positive words makes us feel good.
Words have the power to heal or hurt,
Choose it wisely.
Words have a deeper meaning. But the impact of these words will be positive or negative in our life and other’s life. It totally depends upon us. Sometimes when we react instead of respond, we make the situation worse by using destructive words. It is very genuine to put our thoughts and feeling in front of someone. We should take control of our words or use constructive ways to express our emotions.
Sometimes, when we communicate with any person, we don’t listen to hear them but to answer what is going on in our minds. We judge them and compare them with someone else and give those suggestions that they might not want. In this way, we lost the real meaning of that conversation.
Sometimes people just want their words to be heard without judging them. When we listen to someone’s point of view without any comparison and judgement, we can understand them very well. Their Words reach us.
Words can be more loving, inspiring and kind when they are free from judgement, ego and comparison. Then only their true essence can be felt.
“Our words have the ability to change someone’s life. Positive words nourish, nurture and inspire others. It is very important to convey our message to anyone, but we must be mindful about what we say and how we say it. Our words can change everything, our relationships, our environment or even our personality”.
Words have their own energy,
Before using negative words,
Pause and check
whether your words are bringing peace, harmony and abundance in other’s life
bitterness or lack.